Jyothi Rao
Dr. Jyothi Rao, MD, ABAAHP, FAARFM, has been practicing medicine for over 20 years. She received her Doctorate of Medicine (MD) from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and completed her internship and residency at the prestigious New England Medical Center (Tufts) in Boston. Before opening Shakthi Health & Wellness Center, Dr. Rao practiced medicine in New York and Maryland.
A strong proponent of holistic medicine, Dr. Rao is certified in Medical Acupuncture from UCLA. She is also certified in Cardiopulmonary Stress Testing, which is a personalized assessment of cardiac and pulmonary disease and certified in anti-aging and regenerative medicine. Dr. Rao is the coauthor with Dr. Monica Aggarwal of BODY on FIRE: How Inflammation Triggers Chronic Illness and the Tools We Have to Fight It (2020), an updated revision of their self-published book Finding Balance (2016).
For more information visit her website raowellness.com.