Testing with pH strips is only useful if you know how to make them useful to you. pHydrion Vivid strips are a tool and not unlike a thermometer, the reading only gives you information. My heartfelt desire is for you to be able to translate this information into a self-healing experience. Over the years I have seen miracles happen just by following a few simple intuitive guidelines outlined in my Home Test pH Kit.

In this section I am addressing what I believe to be both common and uncommon questions I have been asked over the years. If you do not see your question or are not satisfied with the answers provided I encourage you to call and ask me directly. Specific product information can be found in our store with each individual product.

General Questions and Answers about Deborah, her company, her mission, this site and pH.

Q: What is pH?
A:  pH is an acronym for the potential of Hydrogen and is the acid to alkaline ratio existing in all matter or the hydrogen-ion activity in gram equivalents per liter. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, with zero being acid and fourteen being alkaline. Seven is considered neutral. There are ten points between each number. Example:  6.8 is 20 times more alkaline than 6.6 and 5.8 is 100 times more acid than 6.8. The shorter the range the better for accurate testing.

Q:  Why test urine and saliva pH?
A:  One picture is worth a thousand words, our strips give you a visual picture of how your overall lifestyle, food and beverage choices impact your overall health. When your body has an over abundance of acids (toxins) the pH of urine and saliva will reflect that condition. To test your blood you need to go to your doctor and request a pH blood test. Testing urine and saliva is immediate inexpensive and can be an excellent learning tool for making dietary choices.

Q:  What is the range of a normal pH reading?
A:  Urine and saliva should be neutral and test between 6.8 and 7.2. My book the Home Test pH Kit gives in complete detail, how pH will fluctuate throughout a 24 hour period. You can also see an example on a graph we have posted on this site.

Q:  When is the best time to test?
A:  I recommend testing throughout the day for the first week or two. Keep in mind this is a learning tool, in the beginning you will need to see what is affecting the natural pH fluctuations. Both urine and saliva should be checked first thing in the morning upon arising. Check urine a second time before you eat breakfast and again after breakfast. You may then check saliva after each meal throughout the day. The pH reading will help you understand better how to make changes. Once you feel you know how to balance you may limit testing to urine first thing in the morning and saliva when you are unsure of the alkalizing ability of a meal. This is explained in detail in the Home Test pH Kit book which is part of the full kit package.

Q:  Why test urine and saliva and not the blood?
A:  Your blood pH should always be within a range of 7.35 and 7.45, slightly alkaline, and you would need a doctor to find that out. The purpose of testing urine and saliva with pH strips is not only easy, economical and immediate, but it lets you know if your body is dealing with too many acids which can in time, effect your blood and health.

Q:  Will these pH strips test other solutions such as water?
A:  These pH strips are meant for testing buffered solutions such as urine and saliva only. A buffer is any substance contained in an aqueous solution that will change the pH value (in this case minerals and toxins). Water is considered an unbuffered solution. We also offer the Water Home Test pH Kit if you wish to test your water supply.

Q:  Can you ever be too alkaline?
A:  In a word... yes. This condition is called alkalosis. If your first reading in the morning is 7.6 or higher your body is telling you that your acid condition is causing your body to dump ammonia (high alkaline reserves in the form of minerals from bones, teeth and tissue) to correct the condition and protect the blood pH of 7.35-7.45. Our body is designed to do this as a once in a while mechanism, too often can deplete organs and tissue. However, your saliva pH can go as high as 9.0 after a highly alkaline meal, this is desirable as long as it goes back to the neutral range within two to three hours of the meal. This is explained in greater detail in the Home Test pH Kit book.

Q:  Can I eat too many alkaline foods?
A:  I don’t think so. Since both being too acid and being too alkaline are caused by too many acids in the system, the only way to correct each concern is to introduce more alkalinity. The best natural method is to eat more alkalizing foods and less highly acid-forming foods. This is explained in detail in the Home Test pH Kit book. As always let pH testing be the judge. This is about balancing acids and buffers. You will know you have done that when urine and saliva are in the 6.8 to 7.2 range.

Q:  What is the pH of my blood and other body systems?
A:  Each body system will have a different pH range in order to do their specific job. Blood and liver pH is 7.35-7.45, adult skin 4.5-6.0 (a child’s skin will be neutral 7.0), stomach 1.0-2.0 (which explains why acid reflux hurts), urine and saliva 6.8-7.2.

Q:  Deborah tell me about yourself and your mission.
A:  I started my awakening 20 years ago when I had to heal my sick child and my sick body. I consider myself a well read lay-person with plenty of real life experience. As a rule I can usually empathize with a people simply because I have been there and done that. I have lost a father to cancer and a mother to Alzheimer’s. I know the suffering those diseases can bring. I also know the story can change if you want it to. As I have always told my children—I’m not that smart, I’ve just already made the same mistake. I love what I do and I have a wealth of learned knowledge to share. I have been writing about natural health and teaching pH for fifteen years. My mission has always been to heal people and the planet one bite of food at a time. For more go to About Us.

Q:  Why don’t you have your own label on products?
A:  It has become very popular to put private labels on vitamins and minerals. I have chosen not to. My area of expertise is food that balances the body, not chemistry or formulating supplements. I want to be able to offer you the best products available. If I invest in a product with my label and something better comes along, it would not be in my best interest to offer you the better product. Without a private label you are always assured I am suggesting the best products available at the time. I want you to be sold on health, not my label.

Q:  Who is NewPage Productions, Inc.?
A:  Deborah started NewPage Productions, Inc., in 1996 to self publish her first book The Feel Good Food Guide. Her family name is Page so since this was a new page in her life and she was publishing books... well you get it. NewPage Productions, Inc., is a small family owned and operated company. It is not uncommon to call and speak to Deborah directly. Every product sold has been used and tested by Deborah.

Q:  Are you affiliated with a larger corporation?
A:  No. We are small 100% family owned and operated business. Our products and business are manufactured and operated in the USA.

Q:  Does Deborah do phone consultations?
A:  Yes. Click here for more information and to set up a time to talk.

Q:  Is there a distributor for your products in Canada or Europe?
A:  Not at the present time. However, if you are a distributor and wish to introduce our products into a new market either here or abroad please click here to contact us.

Q:  Do you offer wholesale pricing for business owners and professionals?
A:  Yes, we do. Ordering wholesale may also be done on this site once you have a log-on number. Click here for more information and to contact us.

Q:  Do you have an affiliate program?
A:  Yes, we do. If you have a website and would like to offer our products to customers click here for more information and to contact us.

Q:  Are your products available in my local grocery, health food store or pharmacy?
A:  We are doing our best to make our Home Test pH Kits available to as many people as possible. At the present time we don’t offer a list of stores our distributors have placed our kits. Our company is growing everyday. You can help by requesting your local store carry our kits. Just give them our contact information and ask them to call. Remember, we are not a large conglomerate and do not have the same resources available to pharmaceutical companies. We depend on you to spread the word. Thank you! 

Q:  Where and how does a person begin balancing acid/alkaline levels in the body?
A:  Begin by gathering information. The Home Test pH Kit is the best place to start. In addition to the basic kit we offer many very helpful how-to and cook books along with green foods powders, cleanses... take a look at our selection and see if anything speaks to you. Don’t stop there, there is a plethora of information on the internet. Use your favorite search engine and read the wealth of information offered on the internet. Knowledge will set you free.

Q:  How do we compare to plastic double color strips?
A:  Great question, I love the opportunity to answer this one. First of all our strips are manufactured right here in the USA by a medical grade laboratory who has been a pioneer in the field of pH for over 75 years. These pHydrion Vivid strips are the same high quality used by hospitals and doctors. Having said that; they are accurate to within two tenths of a point, they are biodegradable, non toxic and immediate. No bottles to fiddle with, no plastic to dispose of and no confusing double color test. Plus you are in control of how much you tear off of the dispenser and use. We are the best value with an average of 120 accurate uses per kit. Compact enough to fit into a small pocket or purse. Easy as tear, use, read, flush and done.

Q:  Where is the best source to find recommendations for acid/alkaline foods?
A:  Home Test pH Kit. It’s all there... really. And this website is loaded with ideas and products to make a positive and healthy difference in your life.

Q:  Deborah what kind of quality can be expected from pHydrion Vivid test strips?
A:  I could have chosen any pH strips to match-up with my book, after doing the research the quality of our pHydrion Vivid was unsurpassed. These strips have the narrowest and most accurate range on the market, our pH strips are manufactured right here in the USA by a medical grade laboratory. A pioneer in the field of pH for over 75 years, these pHydrion Vivid strips are the same high quality used by hospitals and doctors. Having said that; they are accurate to within two tenths of a point, they are biodegradable, non toxic and immediate.

Q:  Will checking my pH replace seeing a good healthcare professional?
A:  Never. Keep in mind this is a tool for your daily health maintenance. If diet alone is not making a difference in your overall wellbeing I encourage you to get help from a trained healthcare professional. If you are experiencing a health crisis go to the nearest emergency room or dial 911.

Questions and Answers about pHydrion Vivid test strips

Q:  How do I prepare the dispenser for easy use?
A:  Before you begin, dry and remove all lotion and oils from your hands. Find the horizontal seam across the middle of the clear plastic dispenser. With one hand on either side of the seam gently wiggle back and forth while firmly pulling apart. Once open remove the test material wrapped in foil. Remove the foil and discard. Find the start of the pH paper roll, being careful not to over handle the test material. The paper will be held in place with a dot of glue, break the seal and drop back into the plastic dispenser. Feed the end of the roll through the serrated side of the dispenser. Make sure the color chart is in front of the roll. Snap the top back on the dispenser. You are now ready to tear off any amount of test material desired.

Q:  When I started a new roll it split into two one sided pieces, should it have done that?
A:  It is the same principal as two ply toilet tissue. The yellow color should be on both sides of the test material. If the paper starts to split, go back to the glue dot and loosen the bottom half of the paper. Tear off and discard the damaged part of the roll that split. Then feed the paper through the serrated part of the dispenser and follow directions for use.

Q:  How many uses are in a roll?
A:  The roll is 15 feet or 180 inches long. The amount of uses per roll is up to you. I like to use a 2 inch piece for urine testing and a one inch piece for saliva. However, you may use pieces as long or as short as you are comfortable using. If torn into one-and-one-half inch pieces you should get 120 tests.

Q:  Do these test strips expire?
A:  If unopened there is no expiration date. I have tested unopened rolls of pH strips six years old and had them work perfectly. As long as the test material is wrapped in foil unopened in the plastic dispenser and kept out of direct sunlight at room temperature the roll should be good for an indefinite amount of time. Once opened, if cared for properly, the lab’s recommendations are to use within three years. However, I have successfully used opened rolls way beyond the three year time limit.

Q:  How should I care for the testing material?
A:  The clear plastic dispenser not only is handy, but it helps protect the pH test material from moisture and oils. Excessive moisture, heat and sunlight could damage the sensitive medical grade dies used to make pHydrion Vivid. Common sense goes a long way when caring for the roll of pH paper. Keep out of direct sunlight, always keep sealed inside of the plastic dispenser. Never allow the roll to get wet or keep in a moist place. With the proper care your test material will last and perform beautifully for a very long time.

Q:  How do you use the pH testing strips?
A:  Testing Urine:
1. Quickly pass the pH strip through the urine stream. Do not “wash” the ink off the paper.
2. Shake off any excess fluid.
3. Immediately match to the color chart provided.
4. The chemical reaction of your urine with the dies used is immediate. Do not allow to dry.
5. Do not reuse, flush strip once you have determined your reading.
A:  Testing Saliva:
1. Gather saliva in your mouth and then swallow, repeat.
2. To test, gather fresh saliva in your mouth a third time, allow it to pool under your tongue.
3. Dip test material in pool of saliva, have as little contact with tongue and lips as possible.
4. Immediately match to the color chart provided.
5. Do not reuse, discard strip once you have determined your reading.
Q:  What if I am not getting an exact match to the color chart?
A:  This is not uncommon. It can mean several things, it may be a color or pH value between ranges. For example; you may be testing at 6.5 in between the 6.4 and 6.6 provided on the color chart. If you are extremely acid the paper may bleach the test material white or if high alkaline the color may go purple-black. Keep in mind the total pH range is from 0 to 14 with 10 points in between each number. The range in our kit has been chosen for testing urine or saliva and is in two-tenths increments, the shortest and most accurate range on the retail market.
If the pH strip turns a grey or a muddy color that may be an indication that your body is not utilizing minerals to optimum capacity. Taking a good trace mineral product or eating some raw leafy green foods should help remineralize your system.

Q:  What if my strip doesn’t change color, does this mean the strip is defective?
A:  No. It means you are testing just below the 5.5 pH value.

Q:  How do I test to see if the strips are still good?
A:  Add water to two glasses. Put a pinch of baking soda in one and a little vinegar in the other. Following the directions, dip a fresh test strip in each glass. The baking soda should turn the strip a deep blue and the vinegar should bleach the other strip white. This is what it’s supposed to do, and means it’s working.

Q:  My urine and saliva tests taken at the same time don’t match, what does it mean?
A:  Often when a person is not pH balanced this often will happen. It may take some lifestyle changes and different food choices to get body systems in sync.

Q:  Which test is more accurate, urine or saliva?
A:  Both are of value. Urine is metabolic, and saliva is reactive. In other words urine better defines the overall chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life. Saliva more or less is reacting in response to a situation rather than creating or controlling it. We test urine to see how are body is handling long term buffers and stressors and we test saliva to better make corrections. Testing saliva after a meal will tell you on the spot if your food choices were acid-forming or alkaline-forming. This takes the guess work out of what is causing dis-ease.

Q:  What if the test is above the 7.6 range does this mean I need more acidic foods and beverages?
A:  Acid foods do not correct the situation. Whether you test very acid or very alkaline the remedy is always the same more alkalizing foods, beverages, thoughts and behaviors. Alkalosis is your body dumping alkaline reserves to protect the blood’s pH balance. Your body gets these buffers from the only place it can when you are not supplying it with what it needs—it borrows from your bones, teeth, organs and tissues. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium are what balance your body not more acid foods. If you are testing urine and continue to test in the 7.6-8.0 range first thing in the morning, seek the help of a qualified health care professional. If you are testing in this range after an alkalizing green meal a high alkaline reading is expected. Think about it, if you continued to borrow from your savings account without ever making a deposit, how long before you would have a zero balance?

Q:  Can I eat too many alkaline foods?
A:  I don’t think so. Since both being too acid and being too alkaline are caused by too many acids in the system, the only way to correct each concern is to introduce more alkalinity. The best natural method is to eat more alkalizing foods and less highly acid-forming foods. This is explained in detail in the Home Test pH Kit book. As always let pH testing be the judge.

Q:  Do these strips work with water or any other foods or chemicals?
A:  No. They are intended for buffered solutions. A buffered solution is an aqueous solution such as water containing minerals. Minerals are what make us alkaline or a lack of minerals make us acid. For example; distilled water will be acid (5.2) because it is void of minerals (buffers).

Q:  When should I be testing and how often?
A:  I recommend testing throughout the day for the first week or two. Keep in mind this is a learning tool, in the beginning you will need to see what is affecting the natural pH fluctuations. Both urine and saliva should be checked first thing in the morning upon arising. Check urine a second time before you eat breakfast and again after breakfast. You may then check saliva after each meal throughout the day. The pH reading will help you understand better how to make changes. Once you feel you know how to balance you may limit testing to urine first thing in the morning and saliva when you are unsure of the alkalizing ability of a meal. This is explained in detail in the Home Test pH Kit book which is part of the full kit package.

Questions and Answers about Deb’s favorite products and suggested use

Q:  If you could only buy one product what would it be?
A:  If you don’t already have a Home Test pH Kit that would be the one. My favorite product after that is Macro Greens™, the 30 ounce size is the best value, but any size to start would be good.

Q:  Why don’t you offer vitamins and minerals?
A:  There are so many wonderful sites discounting vitamins and minerals I could never compete. Plus, because we are each biochemically unique, unless you know your specific deficiencies, supplements could do more harm than good. Always get tested before starting a vitamin and mineral regime. I believe in starting with the correct diet and work from there.

Q:  Why don’t you offer pH drops?
A:  When I find drops that actually work and are an affordable option, I will offer them.

Q:  Easy peasy lemon squeezy (this one isn’t in our store)
A:  The best and most affordable way to alkalize your body is to squeeze a little fresh lemon juice into a glass of pure water and drink. A lemon is loaded with alkalizing minerals and virtually no sugar making it highly alkaline-forming (natures pH drops). If you are concerned about the acid eroding tooth enamel use a straw and bypass you teeth. Rinsing your mouth with plain water after you drink will also wash away the acid from the undigested lemon.

Q:  How did you choose your product line?
A:  First I try a product, if it lives up to the claims, I offer it to you.

Q:  How to use a salt bar.
A:  Never rub against your skin. Once wet, the salt bar becomes sharp and can cut your skin. The way to get the most benefit from a salt bar is to wet the bar and using a clean wash cloth or your hands rub the salt bar transfering the salt to the cloth or your hands. Then use the wash cloth or your hands to smooth the salt onto your body. Rinse. It’s amazing how the minerals smooth and soothe skin.