Patricia Cutright
Patricia Cutright is Lakota and an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux tribe. Reading and libraries have always been her passion; recognizing how reading can empower at all ages and socio-economic levels. Destiny was set while she worked at the university library as a student and her supervisor “informed” her that she would become a librarian. The rest is history, as they say. Patricia has lived in many places, from Brooklyn, New York, to the Federated States of Micronesia and many places in between, providing leadership in libraries along the way.
She has published articles and written book chapters on library technology and cooperation. Her awards include the 2003 American Library Association/LITA Gaylord Award for Achievement in Library and Information Technology, 2002 Oregon Librarian of the Year, 2017 University of Washington iSchool Distinguished Alumnus Award, 2016 Presidential Administrator Award from Central Washington University, and the 2002 Distinguished Administrative Faculty award from Eastern Oregon University. She has retired from library work but is busier than ever with travel, volunteering, and keeping the garden growing.
Native Women Changing Their Worlds is her first book.