Now Available! How Rabbit Tricked the Buzzards

Book cover depicting a marsh rabbit looking up at a buzzard in a tree deep in the snowy forest. How Rabbit Tricked the Buzzards written by Arvis Boughman and illustrated by MaryBeth Timothy.


Traditional Lumbee tale teaches the importance of sharing.

  • Detailed artwork clearly depicts night scenes.

  • Indigenous story conveys perseverance and determination.

Long ago, when the buzzards were keepers of the fire, they were very stingy. On a frigid winter night Rabbit was freezing, he pleaded with the buzzards to share the warmth of their fire. The buzzards refused, yelling “This is our fire!”  The playful Northwest Wind saw rabbit hopping slowly away, it decided to play tricks on Rabbit to make him even colder. Rabbit realized that If he wanted to get warm, and share the warmth with the other animals, he must come up with a clever plan.


Arvis Boughman is an enrolled member of the Lumbee Indian tribe of North Carolina. He works with adults and children as an elementary school teacher and a speech/ language pathologist. He has worked with children from many different Nations, including Lumbee, the Eastern Band of Cherokee, and the Sioux. He is a founding member of the North Carolina Native American Council on Higher Education (NCNACOHE).

Arvis is always learning about the Lumbee tribe and is an advocate for federal recognition of the Lumbee Nation.



MaryBeth Timothy is a Cherokee Nation citizen and artist based in northeastern Oklahoma who loves creating images that speak to the audience. She is a self-taught creator influenced by many artists, including her favorite—Norman Rockwell. Adept in many mediums, MaryBeth draws inspiration from her love of nature and her heritage. She views illustration as the ultimate form of storytelling. Visit


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