Alan Goldhamer
Dr. Alan Goldhamer is a health pioneer and visionary. An outspoken professional who doesn’t shy away from a spirited debate, he is deeply committed to helping people stuck in self-destructive cycles reclaim their ability to change their lives. He is the founder of TrueNorth Health Center, a state-of-the-art facility that provides medical and chiropractic services, psychotherapy and counseling, and massage and body work. TrueNorth is known world-wide for its water-fasting programs, and under Dr. Goldhamer’s guidance has become one of the premier training facilities for doctors wishing to gain certification in the supervision of the therapeutic use of fasting.
Dr. Goldhamer was the principal investigator in two landmark studies. The first, "Medically Supervised Water-Only Fasting in the Treatment of Hypertension," appeared in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics in June 2001. This article marked a turning point in the evolution of evidence supporting the benefits of water-only fasting. The second study, "Medically Supervised Water-Only Fasting in the Treatment of Borderline Hypertension," appeared in The Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine in October 2002.
Dr. Goldhamer is a graduate of Western State Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon. He traveled to Australia where he became licensed as an osteopathic physician. He co-wrote, with Toshia Myers, Can Fasting Save Your Life?, is the coauthor with Dr. Doug Lisle of The Pleasure Trap., and is the author of The Health Promoting Cookbook.