Wendy Louise Hagler
For close to 40 years now, Louise has enjoyed creating vegan cuisine to satisfy the western palate and is one of the pioneers for introducing vegan cuisine to the U.S.
After moving to The Farm Community in Tennessee in 1971, Louise learned and experimented along with other community members to develop a tasty, economically friendly, healthful soy-based vegetarian diet for anyone, anywhere. Louise was the editor on the first two community cookbooks, The Farm Vegetarian Cookbook and Tofu Cookery and the main contributor on the revised editions. She has also written five cookbooks.
Her focus has been to present a wide variety of tasty, easy-to-prepare, familiar dishes, incorporating soy foods of all kinds and vegan ingredients from cuisines around the globe.
In the past few years, Louise has been teaching nutrition and cooking classes in undernourished communities in Mexico and Guatemala for Plenty International, introducing soy foods as an alternative protein. She has also provided technical support for soy dairies in those countries, some of them started by Plenty over the last 25 years.