To live in balance
is our birthright.
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Finding my pH Balance Store

Story Behind Our pH Kits
People often call and want to know my story. What was the drama that led me to question the world around me, then to find the answer in a simple pH test strip. I spent the first 37 years of my life living in the delusion that someone else was responsible for my health. I felt safe and secure knowing that government agencies had only my best interest in mind. No one ever talked about our body pH levels.
If I developed a disease Western Medicine would be there to save me. I followed all the rules. I worshiped at the sacred food pyramid of my youth, made sure vaccinations were up to date and took over the counter medications with impunity. I believed that we were immune from the diseases that plagued third world countries. Even though pH testing is the most common laboratory test, no doctor ever checked my pH levels or did any type of pH test.
Three things happened to turn my life and belief system around. At age 37 my youngest son was born severely allergic to the world around him, my father died of throat cancer and I became overweight, sick and tired. It was as if someone had turned on the light and for the first time I realized staying well was a responsibility that belonged to me alone—with no one else to blame.